Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Universal Religion of Islam

Islam is the only universal religion and to have perfection in every aspect that can be applied by humans in his life. Islam is the only ideology that can lead people to seek perfection is to be dreams. Although Islam is a religion last but herein lies the perfection of virtue and religion in comparison with other religions, be it divine religions which came down from God or religion or way of life that is born of ideas and spiritual experience a person.

Islam came as falsifies for religions that have come before. And the Prophet as a divine messenger and the message carrier is the last prophet afterwards there will be no prophet and messenger. Allah says in the letter of al-famous anymore as the last paragraph down: "Today have I sempurnankan for you your religion (Islam) and have I perfected everything to you and I pleased nikmatku Islam as your religion." (Qs. al-Maidah [5]:3)
This verse implies that since that day, after all the commandments and God's laws for about 23 years is perfectly up to the task and the minutes of the Messenger of Allah came to an end. This means that prophetic or nubuwah era has ended and a new era has begun the era of the region that serves as guardian and interpreter of the Shari'a of Allah. This verse is much talked about and discussed by the mufassir of the two groups (Shiites and Sunnis), since this verse has a very important position and crucial to the survival aqidah and belief, here we are not going to review the matter at length of this paragraph. For those who are interesting to review the content or asbabun nuzulnya and for those who want to know at length about this verse, we invite to refer to the books of commentary or the book separately and specifically explore this passage.
Therefore, the properties are owned by the perfection of Islam so he could answer all the challenges and issues faced by human life, no one issues and problems of life except Islam is able to respond and provide solutions for him. Islam a religion that does not distinguish one group with another group, in the eyes of Islam all men are equal, there are no physical differences between each other. White with black people, Arabs equal with non-Arab, The rich the same position with the poor, and so forth. But that does not mean Islam does not recognize the differences and levels, but Islam distinguishes degrees and grades of someone not from the outer side where meninjam technical terms of philosophy, humans are mahiyah or lacks essential difference, but all together as human beings that distinguishes it is the level of its existence. The closer to the source of the form he (God), stronger faith and the existence or ketaqwaannya. Unlike other religions, where the symbols and the reality is far different. Differences and discrimination so blatant, people judged in terms of outward, higher social level it becomes a place and position in the religion. Places of worship can be a very clear example of this. Rich people, officials and community leaders memilki major positions in places of worship and the poor and the community who have a low degree must be willing to occupy an equal place with their circumstances. But in Islam it is not visible, anyone can occupy the place he wanted, did not happen dichotomy strata sosial.Rahasia Universality of Islam  
Secrets of universality and eternity of Islam lies in the doctrine and teachings are in line dengan appropriate and human nature, so there is no vacillation and doubt for those who have believed and believe in proficiency level in these religions, another case with lainnya religions, such as religious Christians, where the doctrine and teachings and beliefs contained in it, between one another of a conflict so as not to create followers calm and steady, even on the contrary make them indecisive and unsure of what they believe. Belief in God is one but three or trinity until this moment not able to properly and satisfactorily answered. The more thought and instead of adding direnungi calmness and confidence, but instead to cast doubt and vacillation. So that occurred among the followers of Christianity is the higher level of education a person will get high level of doubt and hesitation he told the Christian religious beliefs. And the fact the people who do not believe in the trinity is of class scientists and scholars. Would not have happened in the history of the fierce and sharp disagreement between scientists and church groups where followers of the church wants to maintain the Christian doctrine of the church or contrary to common thought and logic. On the other hand scientists prefer the more reason and logic in his life not able to rationalize these beliefs and Christian doctrine, so consequently they reject and do not accept these doctrines.
Conflicts between reason and keimananan away due to the beliefs and teachings of Christianity or the church of human nature. If a religion or ideology was contrary to human nature as a consequence then that religion will not be eternal and will be abandoned by his followers, because the nature of another embodiment of the self is not the man himself and has been around since man was created and he will never change, always exist and have the sacred nature, because it only padanyalah mentajallikan or realize God Himself, because there is compatibility of the two properties, namely the existence of God memilki nature, eternal and never changes, so does the nature or the human spirit. This is in accordance with God's words in al-A'raf letter paragraph by paragraph 172 of the famous mitsaq (bai'at decision or agreement).
Therefore, nature is never wrong in determining misdaq truth and will not perish and disappear from the human self, it's just overcast condition can experience the power of light. So only Islam was the only religion that can save and resolve any problems and dilemmas of human life. "Verily, the religion of Islam only acceptable hand of God alone." (Surat al-Imran [3]: 19) Therefore, Islam never contravene the Law brought by the prophets ulul previous Azmi. And even if there is a difference between Shari'a prophet with each other then it just lies on juz'i issues only and not at the core of teaching and was also not significant as the cancellation of the Shari'a other (earlier), because sometimes a teaching or Shari'a adjusted to the conditions faced by the region are owned and or age. The nasakh-mansukh that serves as a cancellation or significant untrue Shari'a previous prophets, this has never happened in the divine religions, since regulators and law makers for men only God alone and everything that comes from God and have the nature of rights true. Allah says Sura Al-Ahzab in paragraph 4: "And God just said is right and just is He the only one who guides the path of righteousness." (Surat al-Ahzab [33]: 4)
Moving on from this thinking illat principles, we will be able to prove that perennial and the universality of Islam against other religions as follows: As other human beings to defend themselves in order to exist then he must try and work hard so that all the hope and goal of life can be achieved. The purpose of human life is very much different with other beings, because humans, although on one side in common with other creatures but on the existential side is very much different from the others. Therefore, God the creator gave two advantages of intellect and spirit or the human nature so that he can realize the perfection of himself.
As for the perfection or virtue is the target and the human purpose lies not in material things such as wealth, rank and position, because all that will be extinct and perish. While the nature (spirit) memilki human nature eternal and will not perish. But sometimes people think that all the beauty and perfection in this world there is something intrinsic and immutable and the goal of his life.
Because there is no relevance between the nature of human creation with all the teachings and rules of life that is in the books of other religions or those taught by other religions it can not be accepted as a way to save and deliver people to the perfection of his life. Despite the nature of human beings have, but he can not automatically know the nature of the perfection of himself and how to achieve it. This is caused by a number of temptation, deception, and the obstacles that bother to make them be deceived by a mirage of the truth. Therefore, the creator who knows the capacity and capabilities possessed by humans, not just let people in confusion and doubt about what he should do to achieve perfection and happiness in life, but with His greatness and lutf guide and watched him stay . And this is in accordance with His word: "... Our Lord is (God) who gave shape to everything that happened, then give him instructions." (Surat Taha [21]: 50)
Therefore, falsifies (mukammil) and an essential guide only belong to God alone, because for the involvement of a close relationship and harmony between the two parts, namely between perfection and the guiding creator or maker of the constitution so requires extraordinary expertise, while the most knowing of the nature of between them and human needs only the creator only, therefore these two matters is the part that can not be separated.
And that is the way falsifies and serves as guidance for mankind is none other religion. That is a religion that does not conflict with the creation of man, so he can bring people to the goals to reach (the perfection and ultimate bliss). Therefore, we will not see the contradiction between reason and science as a place of good deeds of the nature or the human soul as the place to tajallinya the creator. So that in the Qur'an, faith (spirit) and good deeds were inseparable.
Thus, human nature is essentially a need for religion and that too only divine religions, and among divine religions only Islam that with al-Qur'annya keorisinilannya maintained, the religion that came down and came from the creator. And if people find meaningful and essential perfection through divine religions other than religion (Islam), then surely he will not get it and this has diibuktikan by history and experience. []


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